H&M Conscious Collection

H&M goes big (that’s even bigger) on sustainability

Now this is interesting. H&M has consistently shown itself to be the most sustainability-focused of the big-league retailers and now it’s gone a step further with a commitment to using 100% recycled or other sustainable materials by 2030 as part of its declared aim to be “climate positive” throughout its supply chain by 2040.

Guess Jeans_Denim

Denim recycling: Guess joins the eco gang

Guess is going green with denim this autumn as it links up with Cotton Inc’s Blue Jeans Go Green program. It’s the latest move in a series of initiatives by denim specialists and general fashion retailers to reduce their environmental footprint and connect with sustainability-focused consumers.

Inditex, Zara

Zara owner gives big boost to digital payments and recycling

Company AGMs are usually, well, boring. Occasionally they’re love-ins (when the company concerned is hugely successful). Occasionally they’re snipe-fests (when shareholders are moaning about executive pay like at BP or yet another disappointing year and “not enough simple classics” like at M&S). But at other times they actually turn into something worthwhile with a) interesting…

Bangladesh garment factory, picture courtesy Wikipedia

Which brands score top marks for transparency? You’d be surprised

Fashion Revolution, the not-for-profit group aiming to boost transparency in the fashion industry, and Ethical Consumer, have released new research highlighting the lack of transparency in the global fashion supply chain. And guess what? It doesn’t make encouraging reading. But some surprising brands score well and some equally surprising ones are bottom of the list.…